
Implementation of the configuration object.

class scapy.config.CacheInstance(name: str = 'noname', timeout: int | None = None)[source]

Bases: Dict[str, Any]

copy() CacheInstance[source]
flush() None[source]
get(item: str, default: Any | None = None) Any[source]
items() Any[source]
iteritems() Iterator[Tuple[str, Any]][source]
iterkeys() Iterator[str][source]
itervalues() Iterator[Tuple[str, Any]][source]
keys() Any[source]
summary() str[source]
update(other: Any, **kwargs: Any) None[source]
values() Any[source]
class scapy.config.CommandsList(iterable=(), /)[source]

Bases: List[Callable[[…], Any]]

register(cmd: DecoratorCallable) DecoratorCallable[source]
class scapy.config.Conf[source]

Bases: ConfClass

This object contains the configuration of Scapy.

ASN1_default_codec: scapy.asn1.asn1.ASN1Codec = None

Codec used by default for ASN1 objects

ASN1_default_long_size = 0

Default size for ASN1 objects

AS_resolver: scapy.as_resolvers.AS_resolver = None

choose the AS resolver class to use

BTsocket: Type[scapy.supersocket.SuperSocket] = None
L2listen: Type[scapy.supersocket.SuperSocket] = None
L2socket: Type[scapy.supersocket.SuperSocket] = None
L3socket: Type[scapy.supersocket.SuperSocket] = None
L3socket6: Type[scapy.supersocket.SuperSocket] = None
auto_crop_tables = True

controls whether tables (conf.iface, conf.route…) should be cropped to fit the terminal

auto_fragment = True
bufsize = 65536
cache_pcapiflist: Dict[str, Tuple[str, List[str], Any, str]] = {}

holds the cache of interfaces loaded from Libpcap

checkIPID = False

if 0, doesn’t check that IPID matches between IP sent and ICMP IP citation received if 1, checks that they either are equal or byte swapped equals (bug in some IP stacks) if 2, strictly checks that they are equals

checkIPaddr = True
checkIPinIP = True

if True, checks that IP-in-IP layers match. If False, do not check IP layers that encapsulates another IP layer

checkIPsrc = True

if 1, checks IP src in IP and ICMP IP citation match (bug in some NAT stacks)

check_TCPerror_seqack = False

if 1, also check that TCP seq and ack match the ones in ICMP citation

color_theme: ColorTheme
commands: CommandsList = [<function restart>, <function hexdump>, <function linehexdump>, <function chexdump>, <function hexstr>, <function hexdiff>, <function fletcher16_checksum>, <function fletcher16_checkbytes>, <function corrupt_bytes>, <function corrupt_bits>, <function wrpcap>, <function wrpcapng>, <function rdpcap>, <function rderf>, <function wrerf>, <function import_hexcap>, <function wireshark>, <function tdecode>, <function tcpdump>, <function hexedit>, <function bind_layers>, <function split_layers>, <function explore>, <function ls>, <function rfc>, <function fuzz>, <function send>, <function sendp>, <function sendpfast>, <function sr>, <function sr1>, <function srp>, <function srp1>, <function srloop>, <function srploop>, <function srflood>, <function sr1flood>, <function srpflood>, <function srp1flood>, <function sniff>, <function bridge_and_sniff>, <function tshark>]
contribs: Dict[str, Any] = {}

a dict which can be used by contrib layers to store local configuration

crypto_valid = False
crypto_valid_advanced = False
dcerpc_force_header_signing = False

If a capture is missing the first DCE/RPC bindin message, we might incorrectly assume that header signing isn’t used. This forces it on.

dcerpc_session_enable = False

When TCPSession is used, parse DCE/RPC sessions automatically. This should be used for passive sniffing.

debug_dissector = False

raise exception when a packet dissector raises an exception

debug_match = False

when 1, store received packet that are not matched into debug.recv

debug_tls = False

When 1, print some TLS session secrets when they are computed, and warn about the session recognition.

default_l2: Type[Packet] = None
dot15d4_protocol = None
emph: Emphasize = <Emphasize []>
ethertypes: = None
except_filter = ''

BPF filter for packets to ignore

exts: ExtsManager = Name  Version  Specs
fancy_banner = True

controls whether or not to display the fancy banner

filter = ''

bpf filter added to every sniffing socket to exclude traffic from analysis

geoip_city = None
histfile: str = '/home/docs/.config/scapy/history'

history file

iface: 'scapy.interfaces.NetworkInterface'

selects the default output interface for srp() and sendp().

ifaces: scapy.interfaces.NetworkInterfaceDict = None

holds the Scapy interface list and manager

interactive = False
interactive_shell = 'auto'

can be “ipython”, “bpython”, “ptpython”, “ptipython”, “python” or “auto”. Default: Auto

ipv6_enabled: bool = True
ipython_use_jedi = False

Configuration for “ipython” to use jedi (disabled by default)

l2types: Num2Layer
l3types: Num2Layer
layers: LayersList = [<class 'scapy.packet.Packet'>, <class 'scapy.packet.NoPayload'>, <class 'scapy.packet.Raw'>, <class 'scapy.packet.Padding'>, <class 'scapy.arch.linux.rtnetlink.rtmsghdr'>, <class 'scapy.arch.linux.rtnetlink.nlmsgerr_rtattr'>, <class 'scapy.arch.linux.rtnetlink.nlmsgerr'>, <class 'scapy.arch.linux.rtnetlink.ifla_af_spec_inet_rtattr'>, <class 'scapy.arch.linux.rtnetlink.ifla_af_spec_inet6_rtattr'>, <class 'scapy.arch.linux.rtnetlink.ifla_af_spec_rtattr'>, <class 'scapy.arch.linux.rtnetlink.ifinfomsg_rtattr'>, <class 'scapy.arch.linux.rtnetlink.ifinfomsg'>, <class 'scapy.arch.linux.rtnetlink.ifaddrmsg_rtattr'>, <class 'scapy.arch.linux.rtnetlink.ifaddrmsg'>, <class 'scapy.arch.linux.rtnetlink.rtmsg_rtattr'>, <class 'scapy.arch.linux.rtnetlink.rtmsg'>, <class 'scapy.arch.linux.rtnetlink.rtmsghdrs'>, <class 'scapy.asn1packet.ASN1_Packet'>]
load_layers: List[str] = ['bluetooth', 'bluetooth4LE', 'dcerpc', 'dhcp', 'dhcp6', 'dns', 'dot11', 'dot15d4', 'eap', 'gprs', 'gssapi', 'hsrp', 'inet', 'inet6', 'ipsec', 'ir', 'isakmp', 'kerberos', 'l2', 'l2tp', 'ldap', 'llmnr', 'lltd', 'mgcp', 'mobileip', 'netbios', 'netflow', 'ntlm', 'ntp', 'ppi', 'ppp', 'pptp', 'radius', 'rip', 'rtp', 'sctp', 'sixlowpan', 'skinny', 'smb', 'smb2', 'smbclient', 'smbserver', 'snmp', 'spnego', 'tftp', 'vrrp', 'vxlan', 'x509', 'zigbee', 'tuntap']
logLevel: int
loopback_name: str = 'lo'
manufdb: = None
max_list_count = 100

the maximum amount of items included in a PacketListField or a FieldListField


a safety mechanism

mib: scapy.asn1.mib.MIBDict = None

holds MIB direct access dictionary

min_pkt_size = 60
nameservers: str = None

holds the name servers IP/hosts used for custom DNS resolution

neighbor: scapy.layers.l2.Neighbor = None
netcache: NetCache

netcache holds time-based caches for net operations

nmap_base: str = ''
nmap_kdb: NmapKnowledgeBase | None = None
noenum: Resolve = <Resolve []>

holds list of enum fields for which conversion to string should NOT be done

padding = 1

includes padding in disassembled packets

padding_layer: Type[Packet] = None
prog: ProgPath = display    = 'display' dot        = 'dot' extcap_folders = ['/home/docs/.config/wireshark/extcap', '/usr/lib/x86_64-li... hexedit    = 'hexer' ifconfig   = 'ifconfig' pdfreader  = 'xdg-open' psreader   = 'xdg-open' svgreader  = 'xdg-open' tcpdump    = 'tcpdump' tcpreplay  = 'tcpreplay' tshark     = 'tshark' universal_open = 'xdg-open' wireshark  = 'wireshark'
prompt: str
protocols: scapy.dadict.DADict[int, str] = None
raise_no_dst_mac = False

When True, raise exception if no dst MAC found otherwise broadcast. Default is False.

raw_layer: Type[Packet] = None
raw_summary: bool | Callable[[bytes], Any] = False
recv_poll_rate = 0.05

how often to check for new packets. Defaults to 0.05s.

resolve: Resolve = <Resolve []>

holds list of fields for which resolution should be done

route: scapy.route.Route = None

holds the Scapy IPv4 routing table and provides methods to manipulate it

route6: scapy.route6.Route6 = None

holds the Scapy IPv6 routing table and provides methods to manipulate it

route6_autoload = True

automatically load IPv6 routes on startup. Disable this if your routing table is too big.

route_autoload = True

automatically load IPv4 routes on startup. Disable this if your routing table is too big.

services_sctp: scapy.dadict.DADict[int, str] = None
services_tcp: scapy.dadict.DADict[int, str] = None
services_udp: scapy.dadict.DADict[int, str] = None
session: str = ''

filename where the session will be saved

sniff_promisc: bool = True

default mode for the promiscuous mode of a socket (to get answers if you spoof on a lan)

stats_classic_protocols: List[Type[Packet]] = []
stats_dot11_protocols: List[Type[Packet]] = []
stealth = 'not implemented'

if 1, prevents any unwanted packet to go out (ARP, DNS, …)

temp_files: List[str] = []
teredoPrefix: str = ''
teredoServerPort: int = None

Filename containing NSS Keys Log

tls_nss_keys: Dict[str, bytes] = None

Dictionary containing parsed NSS Keys

tls_session_enable = False

When the TLS module is loaded (not by default), the following turns on sessions

use_bpf: bool
use_npcap = False
use_pcap: bool

use libpcap integration or not. Changing this value will update the conf.L[2/3] sockets

use_pypy: bool

read only attribute to show if PyPy is in use

verb = 2

level of verbosity, from 0 (almost mute) to 3 (verbose)

version: str
warning_threshold = 5

how much time between warnings from the same place

wepkey = ''
winssps_passive = []

Windows SSPs for sniffing. This is used with dcerpc_session_enable

class scapy.config.ConfClass[source]

Bases: object

configure(cnf: ConfClass) None[source]
class scapy.config.ConfigFieldList[source]

Bases: object

add(*flds: Any) None[source]
remove(*flds: Any) None[source]
class scapy.config.Emphasize[source]

Bases: ConfigFieldList

class scapy.config.ExtsManager[source]

Bases: MetaPathFinder

GPLV2_CLASSIFIERS = ['License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2)', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv2+)']
SCAPY_PLUGIN_CLASSIFIER = 'Framework :: Scapy'
all_specs: Dict[str, ScapyExtSpec]
exts: List[ScapyExt]
find_spec(fullname, path, target=None)[source]
class scapy.config.Interceptor(name: str, default: Any, hook: Callable[[...], Any], args: List[Any] | None = None, kargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

static set_from_hook(obj: Conf, name: str, val: bool) None[source]
class scapy.config.LayersList[source]

Bases: List[Type[scapy.packet.Packet]]

filter(items: List[Type[Packet]]) None[source]

Disable dissection of unused layers to speed up dissection

layers() List[Tuple[str, str]][source]
register(layer: Type[Packet]) None[source]
unfilter() None[source]

Re-enable dissection for all layers

class scapy.config.NetCache[source]

Bases: object

add_cache(cache: CacheInstance) None[source]
flush() None[source]
new_cache(name: str, timeout: int | None = None) CacheInstance[source]
update(other: NetCache) None[source]
class scapy.config.Num2Layer[source]

Bases: object

get(item: int | Type[Packet], default: Type[Packet] | None = None) int | Type[Packet] | None[source]
register(num: int, layer: Type[Packet]) None[source]
register_layer2num(num: int, layer: Type[Packet]) None[source]
register_num2layer(num: int, layer: Type[Packet]) None[source]
class scapy.config.ProgPath[source]

Bases: ConfClass

display: str = 'display'
dot: str = 'dot'
extcap_folders: List[str] = ['/home/docs/.config/wireshark/extcap', '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wireshark/extcap']
hexedit: str = 'hexer'
ifconfig: str = 'ifconfig'
pdfreader: str = 'xdg-open'
psreader: str = 'xdg-open'
svgreader: str = 'xdg-open'
tcpdump: str = 'tcpdump'
tcpreplay: str = 'tcpreplay'
tshark: str = 'tshark'
universal_open: str = 'xdg-open'
wireshark: str = 'wireshark'
class scapy.config.Resolve[source]

Bases: ConfigFieldList

class scapy.config.ScapyExt[source]

Bases: object

class MODE(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

CONTRIB = 'contrib'
LAYERS = 'layers'
MODULES = 'modules'
class ScapyExtSpec(fullname: str, mode: 'ScapyExt.MODE', spec: Any, default: bool)[source]

Bases: object

default: bool
fullname: str
mode: MODE
spec: Any
config(name, version)[source]
register(name, mode, path, default=None)[source]
specs: Dict[str, ScapyExtSpec]
scapy.config.crypto_validator(func: DecoratorCallable) DecoratorCallable[source]

This a decorator to be used for any method relying on the cryptography library. # noqa: E501 Its behaviour depends on the ‘crypto_valid’ attribute of the global ‘conf’.

scapy.config.isCryptographyAdvanced() bool[source]

Check if the cryptography module is present, and if it supports X25519, ChaCha20Poly1305 and such.

Notes: - cryptography >= 2.0 is required - OpenSSL >= 1.1.0 is required

scapy.config.isCryptographyValid() bool[source]

Check if the cryptography module >= 2.0.0 is present. This is the minimum version for most usages in Scapy.

scapy.config.isPyPy() bool[source]

Returns either scapy is running under PyPy or not

scapy.config.lsc() None[source]

Displays Scapy’s default commands

scapy.config.scapy_delete_temp_files() None[source]